Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thank You!

I wanted to say "Thank You" to all of our friends and family who donated blood to a local blood bank or donated money to The Children's Heart Foundation. These acts are a very special gift to Graysen.Thank you to Grandpa, Lisa, Todd, Luther, Suzanne, Ron, and friend for donating blood. In all, eight blood donations were made to honor Graysen. Each blood donation can save up to three lives, so between 8 to 24 lives were saved as a result! I understand the gift that has been given to Graysen and it is such a blessing to have blood available when needed.
In total, over $260 was raised for The Children's Heart Foundation. CHF is a research foundation. The money goes directly to congenital heart research. Graysen is alive because of past research and he, along with other babies, will benefit from the gift of future research. Thank you to all who donated money including Papa, Mema, Suzanne & Trent, Alisha & Ryan, The Taylors, The Smiths, Josie & Highland, Molli, and Auntie & Uncie.

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teenbata20 said...
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