Friday, December 14, 2012

Trusting Graysen

Laura was at dinner with a friend, so I took the opportunity to wrap her Christmas gifts. I was just finishing when Graysen came downstairs to see what I was doing.
Graysen: What'd you get Momma, Daddy?
Me: Can't tell you.
Graysen: Why?
Me: Because you'll tell Momma.
Graysen considered this for a moment.
Graysen: If you tell me, I won't tell Momma.
Me: I'm not so sure.
Graysen: If you tell me, I won't tell Momma.
I could tell he wanted very badly to be trusted. I wanted to trust him.
Me: I got her a dress. Now, you can't tell her. Promise you won't tell.
Graysen: I promise.
Me: That's a good boy.
Graysen: And I promise I won't tell you I got you a puzzle for Christmas.
Me [Realizing I've made a horrible mistake]: Thanks.
Later, Laura got home.
Laura: So Graysen, how was your night with Daddy?
Graysen: I bought Baby Ghost a dress for Christmas. I can't tell her.
Baby Ghost is Graysen's favorite stuffed toy. It was a clever lie, but Laura figured it out...

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