As some of you know, Caleb is afraid of the potty. The most that I could get him to do was to sit on it with all of his clothes on.
Today I received CEC's monthly email. Caleb saw it and got very excited. He started yelling, "Chuck E. Cheese, Chuck E. Cheese, ..." The email included reward calendars. The calendars have spaces for the parent to mark off an accomplishment, and then the child can bring it into CEC for 10 free tokens. There was one specially designed for potty training. So, I decided to print it and tape it next to his potty. I told him that he could go to CEC if he went pee in the potty.
He took of all his clothes, and his diaper. He sat on the potty and kept saying, "Chuck E. Cheese." I was amazed. I decided that since I actually had him on the potty, I was going to take full advantage of it. I gave him five 8 oz full cups of juice and I sat there for a hour with him.
After a hour, he started to pee (2 drops). He freaked out!!! He started crying, stopped peeing, and got really scared. I left him to see if he would calm down. (I had 5 sippy cups of pee that I had to account for. Two drops were not enough.) I came back, and he was hysterical and one sippy cup equivalent of pee was on the floor. I decide that he had enough with the potty. I went and got him a diaper, and he peed out the other four cups.)
He calmed down. I marked off the certificate and gave him lots of praise. We even called daddy, who was very proud of him.
We went to CEC and had a fun night. I also learned that Caleb is not ready for potty training, and I do not plan to try any more attempts until he is three years old.