Thursday, March 10, 2011

Update on Caleb

I ended up taking Caleb to the doctor today because he hasn't been getting better. It turns out that he has the flu. (Yes, we all got our flu shots this year like usual, but the shot has not been as effective this year.)

Ironically, Graysen is the one who came home with a prescription for Tamiflu, not Caleb. The doctor said that it would be risky for Graysen if he got the flu and wanted to do everything possible to prevent it. Caleb on the other hand will be absolutely fine. Poor Caleb. All of his sicknesses pale in comparison to Graysen's health concerns, so he is never babied anymore. He is such a trooper!

While waiting for the doctor I decided to see if Caleb could read. I had suspicions that he could and I know that he knows a lot of basic words; however, I had NO idea that he can read almost anything!!!

I told him that if he read one page of a Golden Book all by himself I would take him to Barnes and Noble and buy him books. This is not a kindergarten-type book but more like a third grade level book. I was amazed. He read the entire page perfectly and it had hard words like beautiful, railway, and couldn't. I find this impressive since Lee and I have NEVER pushed or taught him how to read. He has done this all by himself studying books in his room at night. I was SO proud of him that we immediately went to B&N and I got him seven books!!! (Again, Lee and I like to buy books, but we do not do a good job of reading to the boys. I never read to them, and Lee does only once in a while.)

Caleb has an amazing appetite for learning and teaches himself. Right now he is learning all 50 states and the solar system. It is SO funny how obsessed he is with "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA," never to be shorted to U.S. or U.S.A. (Thank you Aunt Dana for the states book. It is Caleb's favorite!)

Now, if we could only get Caleb to teach Graysen ABC's...

As a tip, Barnes and Noble had a bin by the children's section with 50% off bargain books. Most books in the bin were $3-$5. We came home with a lot of great, cheap books! I have never seen this bin before and I think it will only be there for a short time to clear out inventory.

1 comment:

Melanie C. said...

What a beautiful post!!! I know you are so proud of both of them... They are amazing boys! :) So glad that they are feeling better!!!