The pre-op appointment went very well. They did an echo, took x-rays, performed an EKG, and took blood. Graysen is going into this surgery as strong and healthy as possible. They said that he looked great! His O2 sat is 71%, which is to be expected. The surgeon said that it is time for this surgery. They would not want for his O2 sat to get much lower.
We met with the surgeon, pediatric cardiologist, and anesthesiologist. Graysen will receive the Rastelli procedure (baffle in the heart to direct blood in the left ventricle to the aorta, and connect the pulmonary artery to the right ventricle), and the surgeon will replace his current shunt with a larger one. The surgery is expected to take six hours.
They do not have any concerns for Graysen, besides for the usual risks associated with this type of surgery. Lee and I were happy to hear that. I learned that the process for getting to the heart in a second surgery is harder than the first. They are going through scar tissue and it will take longer to "dissect" and get him on the heart-lung bypass machine than last time. That anticipate that it will take 1.5 hours from the time that they open him up to the time that he is on bypass. They also said that it will take longer to get him off the bypass machine because there is more bleeding in a second surgery and it will take longer to "dry up."
We have to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM, and he will be taken back to the OR around 6 AM to begin the anesthesia process. They will start the actual surgery at 7:30 AM. We will receive pages every 1.5-2 hours regarding the status of the operation. They plan to send the first page at 9 AM.
We received very good news today and do not have any reason to believe that the surgery will not be a success. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. They are a comfort to us and Graysen. He will continue to need them as the next few days will be rough for the little guy.
Graysen's hair is getting blonder by the day. I was glad to hear the good pre-op report. We're looking forward to the results of a successful operation.
I wonder how many pounds Caleb will gain at Aunt Kim's. So cute to see him with his cookie snack!
We love you all so very much.......Mom
We will keep you all in our thoughts. I hope all goes well tomorrow.
I am happy to hear the pre-op report. You know my prayers are with you always. Love you very much. Grandma
Glad to hear that everything is going as well as it could be. Our thoughts and prayers have been with you all along, but especially tomorrow we will do so.
We are thinking of you and saying extra prayers for Graysen. Give him a big hug and kiss from Emily. We love you guys!
Lisa Todd and Emily
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