Friday, August 5, 2011

More Pictures from Virgina and DC

Even more pictures can be found on my Facebook page. You don't need a Facebook login to see the pictures.

The garden at Monticello

The boys waiting patiently at Monticello

Laura and Erica at the US Capitol

The rotunda

Caleb touring the Capitol

Erica and Kevin touring the Capitol

Caleb and a tricerotops at the Natural History Museum

Caleb, Graysen, and a diorama at the Natural History Museum

At the hotel room, playing with their spoils from the Natural History Museum gift shop

I found them this way in the middle of the night.

At the Air and Space Museum.

At the Air and Space Museum.

At the Air and Space Museum.

At the Air and Space Museum.

View from the observation tower at the Air and Space Museum

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