Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fall for Greenville

Today Lee and I went to Fall for Greenville with the boys. It is festival where the city's restaurants showcase their food. It was a beautiful day, and we enjoyed being outdoors. At the event, Saturn had a display with ten cars. Caleb was fascinated by all of the cars. We also bought him a ghost cookie. He loved the cookie and ate the entire thing. It took him about an hour to eat all of it, and now he is hopped up on sugar. Graysen was very good at the event. He enjoys watching people and never fusses when we are out.


Anonymous said...

I am so happy that you can all go wherever you want and enjoy yourselves. Graysen looks great. I can't believe how fast Caleb is growing. Give my babies a big hug and kiss for me. Love, Grandma

Kevin said...

I could go for a Ghost Cookie myself...